
General provides a free PDF generation service to create PDF files. This PHP API is an interface to this service.
The API has been developed for blogs, foren, wiki systems and other article-based internet software to create PDF files in an easy way. Developer of blogs, foren and wiki systems can use this API to provide a PDF button.

API Download

Cloick on the link Download PDF API to download the PHP PDF API.

Class References

There are two main PHP classes which have to be used to create a PDF files. The class PDF24Doc provides the functionality to manage general document content such as document title or document url and provides methods to add elements to the document.
The class PDF24Element represents a content element inside a PDF24Doc document. A content element is a container holding some data such as a title and a html body.

The following table illustrates that:
PDF24Element 1
PDF24Element 2
PDF24Element 3

Class PDF24Doc

Parameters Keys

The charset of the document. Default is ISO-8859-1. Curently supported values are ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8.
The headline of the document.
The headline url of the headline.
The baseUrl of the document. This url is important if you use relative links in body content of elements. This url is used to resolve relative links to find images and other content.
The filename of the created PDF file e.g. myFileName.
The size of each page in the document. The size is encoded as WIDTHxHEIGHT whereas WIDTH is the width of each page in mm and HEIGHT is the height of each page in mm. The default width is 210mm and the default height is 297mm which represents an ISO A4 page.
One or more email addresses separated by semicolon. This email addresses will receive the create PDF file.
The email address of the API user which will appear as the from email address in emails with the attached PDF files.
The subject of the email with the created PDF file attached.
The content of the email with the created PDF file attached.
The type of the email body with the created PDF file attached. Valid values are text and html.
This parameter holds the charset of the emails subject and body. Curently supported values are ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8.


Creates a document object with no parameters. Use the setXX methods to set parameters later.
Creates a document object and initializes the document parameters with the parameters given in params. params is a PHP array with key-value entries. A key is one of the above parameters keys.


Adds the element element to the PDF document. element can be a PDF24Element or a PHP Array with key-value pairs from PDF24Element.
setParam(paramKey, paramValue)
Sets a document parameter with the key paramKey and the value paramValue.
Sets the document parameters in params. All previously added parameters will be removed.
Adds document parameters from params. Previously added parameters can be overwritten by this method. params is an array which contains key-value pairs.
Returns the document parameter with the key paramKey.
Sets the charset parameter of the document to charset. The default charset is ISO-8859-1.
Sets the headline parameter of the document to headline.
Sets the headlineUrl parameter of the document to headlineUrl.
Sets the baseUrl parameter of the document to baseUrl.
Sets the filename parameter of the document to filename.
setPageSize(width, height)
Sets the pageSize parameter of the document to width, height.
Sets the emailTo parameter of the document to emailAddr.
Adds the email address emailAddr to the list of receivers for the PDF file.
Sets the emailFrom parameter of the document to emailAddr.
Sets the emailSubject parameter of the document to subject.
Sets the emailBodyType parameter of the document to bodyType. bodyType can be text or html.
Sets the emailBody parameter of the document to body.
Sets the charset of body and subject of the email with the attached pdf file.
This method packs all given parameter into a PDF24 service request and transmits the request to PDF24 service. The service checks the request and gives a response which will be analyzed. If the response is successful this method returns true otherwise false is returned.

Class PDF24Element

Parameters Keys

The title of the element.
The url of the element. The title and the url are used to form a link.
The author of the elements content.
A timestamp (Any string that represents a timestamp, e.g. date and time or only date or time)
The content of the element. Can be plain or html formated text.


Creates an element with no parameters. Use the setXX methods to set parameters later.
Creates an element and initializes it with parameters given in params. params is a PHP array with key-value entries. A key is one of the above parameters keys of PDF24Element.


Sets the title parameter of the element to title.
Sets the url parameter of the element to url. The title and the url together form a link.
Sets the author parameter of the element to author.
Sets the dateTime parameter of the element to dateTime.
Sets the body parameter of the element to body. body can be plain or html formatted text.
Sets the value of a parameter with the key key to value.
Sets the parameters in params. All previously added parameters will be removed. params is an array containing key-value pairs.
Adds parameter given in params. params is a PHP array containing key-value pairs. Previously added parameters can be overwritten.
Returns the value of a parameter belonging to key.

Code samples

Include the api first:


Sample 1

* Crate a document and add parameter
$doc = new PDF24Doc();
$doc->setHeadline('This is the headline of the PDF');
$doc->setPageSize(210, 297);

$doc->setEmailSubject('Here is your created PDF file');
$doc->setEmailBody('The created PDF file is attached to this email!');

* Create one or more elements
$element = new PDF24Element();
$element->setTitle('This is the title of the element');
$element->setAuthor('Stefan Ziegler');
$element->setDateTime('2010-04-15 8:00');
$element->setBody('The is the body of the element');

* Add elements

* Create the PDF. Print response if there has been an error.
if(!$doc->createAndSend()) {
	echo $doc->getResponse();

Beispiel 2

* Create Document with parameter
$doc = new PDF24Doc(array(
	'charset' => 'UTF-8',
	'headline' => 'This is a headline',
	'headlineUrl' => '',
	'baseUrl' => '',
	'filename' => 'test',
	'pageSize' => '210x297',
	'emailTo' => '',
	'emailFrom' => '',
	'emailSubject' => 'Here is your created PDF file',
	'emailBody' => 'The PDF file is attached to this email!',
	'emailBodyType' => 'text'

* Add an element without using PDF24Element
	'title' => 'This is the title of the element',
	'url' => '',
	'author' => 'Stefan Ziegler',
	'dateTime' => '2010-04-15 8:00',
	'body' => 'This is the body of the element'

* Create the PDF. Print response if there has been an error.
if(!$doc->createAndSend()) {
	echo $doc->getResponse();

PDF Generation Test

There is a javascript variant of PDF API which used the same PDF24 service. The information pages of the Javascript variant contains a Test-Generator. Look at Javascript PDF Generator