8 July 2013 Apache Lounge Distribution mod_view 2.2 for Apache 2.4.x Win32 # Win32 VC11 binary by: Steffen # Mail: info@apachelounge.com # Home: http://www.apachelounge.com/ # Install: - Copy mod_view.so to your modules folder # Add to your httpd.conf LoadModule view_module modules/mod_view.so # Configuration: See Manual.doc # To Test: Add the following example configuration to httpd.conf: # Map a URI to some where else in the file system. Alias /log /apache24/logs # When the resulting pathanme matches, check for special query # arguments. The combination of these two directives allows for # a URL like: # # http://www.domain.com/log/error_log?tail=20&refresh=15 # # View a URI to some where else in the file system. # Only view access_log, error_log, php.log, but not # suexec_log, ssl_request_log, etc. and other files # within /apache24/logs. AliasMatch "^/log/(access|error|php)([._]log)?" "/apache24/logs/$1$2" ViewEnable on Require local Edit the Require to your needs With the above example configuration, test the module specifying a URL of the form: http://localhost/log/access_log?tail=20&refresh=20 You should see the last 20 lines of the access_log file every 20 seconds. Enjoy, Steffen